GenePlaza is proud to join the Startit community: the biggest start-up accelerator in Belgium

GenePlaza is proud to join the Startit community: the biggest start-up accelerator in Belgium



Learn more about yourself thanks to your ADN and our genetic applications: your origins, your traits of characters, potential health risks…

Here is a preview of the applications at GenePlaza

Start it @KBC: is an international community

With more than 650 companies, Start it @KBC is the biggest accelerator of Start-ups in Belgium. It’s strategic partners are (Accenture, Cronos,
Flanders DC, Imec, joyn, KBC, Mobile Vikings, Telenet Kickstart and a lot of mentors.

Start it @KBC is a member of the international Network: Global Accelerator Network (GAN).


Find all the startups member of the startit Program


Find the link to the press release in Dutch and French


Start it @KBC_Dossier presse_Fev 2018_FR

Start it @KBC_Persdossier_Feb 2018_NL


Press room Start it